"We search the world for hope and peace"

Doc's Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health. "Gifts from the universe"
DOC, A THERAPIST, RESEARCHER, AUTHOR, AND WORLD TRAVELER, along with his team produce utube videos about Past Life Regression Therapy and Health and Spiritual healing. As part of each soul's inclinations, we tend to surround our living environments with objects, colors and style that makes the soul feel comfortable. You may be attracted to some of our objects because they are indeed a part of one or more of your past lifetimes.
See Doc's books on Amazon Books.
"All Time Is One" by Alan Meyers, PH.D.
"Dr. Delgado Fitzhue, Soul Healer and the Case of Karmic Destiny" by Alan Meyers, PH.D.
"The Gold Neckless called
LA CULEBRA"(The Snake)
The continuing story of
how Doc's Gifts began
by Alan Meyers, PH.D.
It was Friday afternoon at 3:15. Doc and Antonia were just finishing up a week long project of categorizing and photographing the many new objects that they had accumulated over the past year. They were just about to leave the office when Doc's cell phone rang.
The call was from a man named Julius Prim, a well known collector and at times rival when a few times in the past he and Julius came upon the same artifact at the same time. Julius was well known for not possessing the same level of ethics as Doc, so naturally, he was apprehensive about a call from Julius Prim, out of the blue. What could he possibly want from us, Doc thought.
Julius just didn't sound the same as when they had last spoken. He sounded tired and defeated to Doc, but he listened to the reason for Julius's call. Prim asked if he would meet him tomorrow at 1:00 at the Rustic Inn Restaurant just outside of town, to discuss a most urgent matter that must be kept confidential. Doc was curious and one who always liked a mystery, consented to the meeting set for the next day.
By this time Antonia had been helping Doc for about four years. They have been traveling all over Central and South America searching for treasures to either donate to museums or eventually make available to people who have an interest in these indigenous cultures. From the very first moment she had met Doc at his camp site in Peru, she knew that her destiny was tied to him. She had disclosed to Doc long ago that her father, Juan, was the Shaman of her village and that she was brought up to be a Shaman herself and practice the ways of Shamanism and healing. It was obvious that Antonia had knowledge and wisdom well beyond her age. They worked well together and managed to find both old and new objects of interest. Antonia had spoken both Quechua and Spanish since childhood but in a very short time with Doc, she became quite proficient in English as well. Her knowledge of native languages had saved them many times from danger.
The next day, Doc and Antonia got ready and left for the meeting. They found the Rustic Inn easily even though it was in an area that was not well travelled. They arrived a little before 1:00. What could Julius be up to selecting such an out of the way place to meet? When they arrived, there were no other cars in the parking lot and the place looked a bit run down. With trepidation, they entered the restaurant. It was dimly lit, quiet with an air of mustiness that indicated that this "restaurant," was no restaurant at all.
At a table alone sat Julius Prim. Upon seeing them come in he got up and greeted Doc who introduced Antonia. Julius offered them something to drink or eat, but Doc and Antonia were both very curious and wanted to get down to business right away. Julius thanked them for coming to meet with him and appeared unusually humble as he knew that Doc was the only other person in the world to whom he could divulge his secret and ask for help. Julius Prim, the once vibrant, virile treasure hunter had become a fearful, depressed and beaten man. This was quite a surprise to Doc and Antonia as they expected Prim to be the same as his reputation. Something terrible had happened to Julius. But what could have done this, thought Antonia. He was a man that appeared at the end of his rope and he was scared.
Julius began by telling them about the existence of LA Culebra, the solid gold neckless that once belonged to the wife of a Mayan ruler. Over the centuries, many have died searching for La Culebra and that includes Julius's brother, Gustav. They had gotten to close to the place where the neckless is protected. When that happens, and it did many times by robbers, treasure hunter or just people who heard about it and went on a search, always with the same result. Get too close, you die. That is what happened to Gustav and almost to Julius himself who barely escaped with his life from the protectors of La Culebra. Doc and Antonia had heard rumors about this gold neckless but that it has been hidden for centuries and may be just a myth. No one knew for sure. No one was ever able to get that close. It was always thought to be a myth and no one reported ever even coming close to the neckless before until now by this treasure hunter Julius Prim, who looks frightened even talking about it. He explained that many years ago, he met an old gem miner in the mountains of Ecuador who told him information as to how to find the neckless. The miner said that he had gotten this information from a fellow miner who was from Guatemala and had heard these stories from the elders in his small village. The miner gave Julius and Gustav specific instructions of where to go and who to see to get close to the famous icon neckless. Julius wasn't asking for payment for this valuable information, he only wanted revenge for Gustav's murder and thought that finding La Culebra would give meaning to Gustav's life.
The instructions were simple, yet not necessarily easy. They first must go to Guatemala City. From there, they will take a six passenger shuttle to a town in the Northern Highlands called Panajachel, about a three hour ride. Panajachel is right next to Lake Atitlan, sometimes called the beginning of the Mayan Empire. Panajachel has become more of a tourist destination those days but was still quite beautiful as the lake is smooth and it has volcanos overlooking it. Across the lake is a series of indigenous villages and is their first stop. The boat ride across the lake takes about 45 minutes. On the other side is a village named San Antonio and a Shaman named Andre. They need to find him and he would help them from there.
It only took a couple of questions for them to be headed for the small dwelling of the local Shaman, Andre. Antonia shared her Shaman training and experience with Andre as well as her knowledge of Maximon, the Mayan god that was hidden from the Spaniards by making it into an effigy and dressing it up not to resemble an average person. But to the Mayans of the time, Maximon was very important and revered. The knowledge and her skill Antonia had in indigenous languages quickly erased any apprehensions Andre might have had about these two strangers coming to ask for secret information. Andre will then tell you where to go next said Julius and who to see when you get there. That's all I can tell you now. Good luck said Julius and come back alive.
Doc and Antonia arrived in Guatemala City two days later and took a taxi to their modest hotel in Colonia 19 and not far from the Central Market. They decided to stay for a couple of days in Guatemala City to visit the National Archeological Museum and the Central Market where sometimes an odd treasure can be found. Doc had been to Guatemala City numerous times over the years but this is the first time for Antonia. She and Doc had been in other countries like Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, but never Guatemala. She looked forward to learning another city and opportunity to meet other Shamans along the way to finding La Culebra.
The Shaman Andre was easy to locate in the small village of San Antonio. He spoke in his dialect of Quechua with a mix of Spanish. Antonia was familiar with this dialect and the communication facilitated easily. They, as two Shamans, bonded quickly and the trust of their practice enabled helpful dialog. They explained to Andre what they were looking for, but he confessed knowing very little about this matter. But he is willing to refer them to his close friend, also a fellow Shaman, in Chichicastenengo. He will send a message to Father Andrade, to introduce them. The instructions were simple. Go to Chichicastenengo, a town to to the north about a two hour bus ride. There you will find the famous 600 year old church, La Iglesia Santo Tomas. Go into the church and ask for Father Luis Andrade. I will notify him of your coming and he will help you from there. Good luck, be careful, y hace cuidado, confia en nadie.
After two days in Guatemala City Doc and Antonia took the bus trip to Panajahal and after meeting with Andre, they arranged for a chicken bus for the next day to take them to Chichicastenengo. Chicken buses are refurbished American school buses. They are colorful, with music and have many routes around the regions. The ride is inexpensive and takes around two hours.
It was Saturday in Chichicastenengo, and that means Market Day. Thousands of indigenous people (Mayan descendants), from all over the region come to buy and sell goods and services. This market is known as one of the best indigenous markets in all of the Americas with thousands of inhabitants and tourists and families buying and selling crafts, prepared food and fresh vegetables, flowers, clothes and much more.
But being a tourist and site seer was not Doc and Antonia's mission. Shopping and searching the market would have to wait for the next day, maybe. Right now they needed to find the church, La Iglesia Santo Tomas.
Locating a famous 600 year old church in Chichicastenengo was a fairly easy task. The church was an integral part of the market and the women flower sellers covered the 16 steps entrance of this land mark, that was constructed in 1540 over a Mayan structure. This practice was part of the extermination of the Mayan culture, so it was not uncommon for the Spaniards to use forced labor to build churches, for example, on top of an already existing structures. One gets a sense of the intense history that took place right here on this spot, thought Doc.
They entered the large wooden front doors of the church and immediately felt the energy of this historic place. Antonia who had always been an empath was particularly taken by the high vibration of the entire site.
Over in the corner of the church were gathered a large group of young Mayan ancestor children in native dress. They appeared to be ages six thru nine. They were the choir of Iglesia Santo Tomas and were practicing right at that moment. Doc and Antonia were both stunned by the voices and both experienced goose bumps as they listened. Antonia said that she thought that she was hearing angels.
Shortly after the children ended their practice, Father Andrade came out from his office to greet them. He wasn't at all what they expected. They knew that Father Andrade was a Catholic Priest and was also a Shaman, who was part of a lineage of Shamans that date back to the Conquest. This was no ordinary Priest for sure, thought Doc. They expected an old, conservative Catholic Priest. In actuality they couldn't have been more than 30 years old and appeared in excellent health and condition. The was a spiritual vibration picked up by both Doc and Antonia that set Andrade apart from most other Shamans they knew, except possibly for Antonia's father, Juan. Because of the lengthy Shamanistic lineage possessed by Andrade, he had been appointed from a very young age on how to protect La Culebra and that his destiny that has been tied to the neckless. Andrade took this vow seriously and was prepared, as all were, to give up their lives to keep the secret of the neckless. The neckless is of the purest gold from a special gold vein long since lost, and was the possession of a wife of a Mayan Ruler. It was hidden by the local Shaman and vowed to the woman to always protect it and never divulge the location of the neckless. He was the one that began the secret passing of this responsibility from Shaman to Shaman for over hundreds of years. There were always stories about the many who have tried to steal La Culebra, but many lost their lives and none ever even came close except now.
Andrade explained that each Shaman guards LA Culebra for ten years. His ten years are up and soon, the neckless will disappear. "No one including me knows when , where or how, but it will disappear, leaving no trace". He said. He is being transferred to a small village in the mountains to take over a small Catholic/Shaman church, designed specifically for the indigenous population of the area. It is his destiny.
Andrade thought that keeping the myth, fable, folk lore about La Culebra alive was a beneficial thing for the culture and another way for the Mayan descendants to preserve their history. This was one of those times. Because of this perspective, Andrade agreed to allow Doc and Antonia take a photo of the famous artifact before, as he stated, it disappears, maybe ever.
They were grateful for the opportunity to take a photo of this treasure, and knew from past experiences that sometimes it becomes the best decision to leave alone when disruption is not needed. In this case, being respectful to Mayan history and the Mayan descendants was the best way.
The very next day, they returned to La Iglesia Santo Tomas to again thank Father Andrade and to say farewell. Father Andrade was no where to be found. He had vanished and left no trace of where he would be going. There were no church workers around the site to even ask. Doc and Antonia both knew from the change in energy and vibration that something spiritually important had been happening, and that they had been a part of it.
They spent the rest of the day going trough the market and finding some very nice objects, but to Doc and Antonia, none as valuable as the only photo in existence of LA Culebra, the solid gold neckless of the Mayas. LA CULEBRA-MAYAN NECKLESS
"Doc Meets Dr. Delgado Fitzhue, Soul Healer,
to find a lost treasure in a past lifetime"
By Alan Meyers, PH.D.
One afternoon Doc and his Associate, Antonia were discussing past lives, reincarnation and how they have shared numerous lifetimes together conducting very similar work. The spiritual realm was a major part of Antonia being a Shaman so she had very strong beliefs about the progress of a soul and how she and Doc's past life times were designed to progress both of their souls. Doc and Antonia attended a conference at Harvard a few months later and the Key Note Speaker was a Dr. Delgado Fitzhue, the Soul Healer, Researcher, Psychologist and Master Past Life Regression Therapist. Doc and Antonia met Dr. Fitzhue at the end of his lecture, introduced themselves and stated their interest in past lives. Little did Doc know at the time, that Dr. Fitzhue had a special gift in which he was able to insert himself and his associate Daisy, into a past life of a person and resolve the negative karma, so the soul may follow it's own destiny. Doc requested that they meet the next day if possible. They agreed to meet the next day at 2:00 at Fitz's office in the Department of Psychology of Boston University.
Twenty two years earlier in a remote jungle village in Brazil, a baby girl was born. Similar to a Buddhist philosophy in this way, she had been chosen before u birth as the new Shaman, healer, and protector of the entire tribal region. They named her Meecha Tupi Guarani but everyone called her Michi. She grew up under the strict teaching of the present Shaman and spiritual followers. She began to increase and perfect her spiritual powers when she began taking part in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies at age 13, as part of her spiritual training. She had begun to focus on her destiny, of which she was well aware.
As she grew up, her tribe, the Guarani would be visited by a Portuguese Missionary named Father Elias Monzon. Father Monzon recognized very early in her life, just how special she was, and he encouraged her education along with her Shamanistic training. By the time she was finishing the equivalent of secondary school, she was able to speak a few different languages, English being one of them. Father Monzon arranged through his church to send Michi as a foreign exchange student to Boston University on scholarship. Other expenses were paid for by the church. Father Monzon knew that for Michi to fulfill her destiny, and save her tribe who were poor and hungry as the loggers continue to destroy the forest and displace the Guarani people. Michi as the new Shaman was to take the responsibility to spiritually guide, protect and care for her people. It was her destiny. She must find a very special Soul Healer, and he can be found at Boston University in the Department of Psychology. Upon graduation, Michi became the graduate Assistant to Dr. Delgado Fitzhue, The Soul Healer. She worked along side Daisy, Dr. Fitz's present Graduate Assistant, and proved to be a quick learner. Daisy told Michi about many of the cases she helped Fitz to resolve. Michi was not surprised to hear about this as she had seen these events many times in her spiritual state through Ayahuasca. She knew of Dr. Fitzhue and Daisy Rocks for many, many years. Michi was also aware of her fellow Shaman, Antonia who had visited her many times in Michi's Ayahuasca training. Antonia always helped to guide Michi spiritually, even though they wouldn't meet physically for many years to come in the Boston University Department of Psychology.
Doc and Antonia arrived on time at the building of the Psychology Department of Boston University. Doc always liked BU and has been there many times. The buildings were old and covered in Ivy. It was a very beautiful campus and rivaled any in the area. They located the office of Dr. Fitzhue easily and entered the waiting room.
We have been waiting for you said Dr. Fitzhue. You have already met my Associate Daisy Rocks and this is Michi Tupi Guarani, an exchange student from Brazil, our Intern. Doc introduced Antonia to Daisy and Michi and with introductions concluded, they all stepped into Fitz's office.
As they took their seats, Doc started to tell the group about a letter he received a few months ago from a woman in Fairfax, Virginia. The letter from Mrs. Gladys Johanson told of a cache of gold coins, jewelry and gold bars that she said belonged to her family. Because they were supporting the Confederacy, they feared that all of their family wealth would be confiscated by the northern troops, so they hid it all to keep it safe. But no map was ever drawn to be passed down from generation to generation. Each generation looked for the treasure and no one had any luck. They all began to believe that it never existed and was just a myth.
If only there had been a map. Gladys provided as much information that had been passed down through generations, but basically, the information consisted of a date when their entire village was destroyed and all killed, and an approximate location where the village had been. Presently, there is no trace of or information about the village. The northern troops that attacked, killed everyone so there was no record. The troops searched for days but never found the four chests of treasure that belonged to the ancestors of Gladys Johanson from Fairfax, Virginia.
In the letter, Gladys asked if Doc and Antonia would look into it and see if they could find some new information about the hiding place. She has always thought that it was her destiny to find the treasure. The letter really didn't give Doc and Antonia much to go on and Doc thought that possibly Dr. Fitzhue would use his special skills and gifts to help find the hiding spot through the past lives of the family member who buried it as the Civil War was coming to an end. Gladys did say that her family's story told of a family member named Joseph Rawlings as the one who hid the wealth. But there wasn't any other further information about him in her family history. Who was Joseph Rawlings and how can information about him be obtained? Gladys told Fitz that this has been on her mind for her entire life and her destiny would be fulfilled if the treasure were found and used for it's intended and guided spiritual purpose. What could that be, she wondered.
As the meeting ended, the group agreed to meet again on Friday afternoon at 3:00. In the meantime, Doc, Antonia, Daisy, Dr. Fitz and Michi will meditate daily on the problem at hand, where is Joseph Rawlings and in what year did he possibly hide the family treasure.
Daisy, Antonia and Michi continued talking together through dinner and until 10:00 that evening. Right from the start the power from these three women was astounding to Doc. He said that he hadn't experienced the vibration of two shamans and Daisy who is a power all her own. Together even Dr. Fitz was impressed. He had known this power over the years when the three were together in past lives together. Hopefully he thought that this would make the task a bit easier, but still, no map, no information yet, so be patient he thought.
The women talked about their lives and Shamanic training. Interestingly, Antonia and Michi shared very similar backgrounds, both being Shamans and members of a spiritual collective that most people would not understand. Daisy was of special interest just for the kind of person she was. She was with Dr. Fitz for many years and helped him in all of the past life regressions they did to correct people's karma and enable their destiny to be resolved. Daisy told of her younger years growing up in LA and starting an all girl band, "Carmelita and the Orphans" They were hard rock and heavy metal and gained quite a following. But it came as guidance in her dream states for her to follow a different karmic path and go to Boston Boston University and find Dr. Fitzhue. The rest is history and she has been his assistant and protector for all of these years.
Fitz knew that spiritually, this is an important case. Jus the fact that this group was guided here at the same time required a special vibration and that Fitz would be the one to enable it. But what could be so important? Fitz and Daisy had resolved spiritual cases in the past but none had the intensity and high vibration as this. Daisy was given the task of searching for any trace of Joseph Rawlings. His name was found on the mass death certificate of the village which had been documented by the northern Army Captain in charge of the raid. Omitted from the report were the exact area of the village and the exact date and time the attack by the Northern troops took place.
Doc, Fitz, Antonia and Michi all meditated on the location and date and with their combined spiritual and psychic power, came up with, November 18, 1864, and the area of the village is now a Walmart in western Fairfax. Could this be a dead end? Could the treasure be buried under the Walmart parking lot? Well that may be that, thought Doc.
At their next meeting a few days later, Antonia started the meeting by making an announcement. The Shaman in her village in Peru had passed and as she knew, she was next in line to be the Shaman for the village and entire area of the Andes. She would be leaving for Lima tomorrow, she said. Doc stated his total disappointment as he and Antonia had become a very successful team. But he understood very well of her obligations to her village and to Shamanism. She will keep in touch with Doc and see him soon. She wished well to the other group members
Fitz said that he had been meditating deeply asking for the spiritual guidance that is his special gift. Doc is aware that there is something going on here that his perceptive experience will help. He was always a strong proponent that "There is more going on around us than we have the ability to perceive" Doc has transcended this level of perception. He also has been shown many times that people are sent to us when needed. This is no accident and absolutely no accident that we, Fitz, Daisy and now Michi were all guided here at this specific time to resolve past karma and set destiny in motion. Apparently, this destiny is an important one as we will find out.
Fitz had already seen this destiny in his dream state. This is usually where Fitz receives his instructions. He told Daisy about the dream and the destiny as she has done this with him many times. They didn't divulge the information to either Doc or Michi. Fitz 's experience has directed him to only guide the souls to make the best decision to resolve the karma and complete their destiny. Fitz also know that not all destiny has to be for a soul. Objects and other life forms have a destiny as well as a part of the grand scheme. In their present Case, there are souls that must correct their karma to allow the karma of the object to find its own destiny. In this case, there is a destiny connected to the treasure as well as the souls involved In his dream state, Fitz saw much negative karma experienced by the villagers during the civil war period. The many examples of slavery and cruelty has embedded negative karma on the town and it's people. The resolution of all the negative karma is directly connected to the treasure. But how?
At their next meeting the following day, Daisy gave an update of the information she found about the history of the time and the events that occurred. Disappointing , but very little information was available. Nothing was recorded by the towns people or the Northern Army. The only reference to the massacre on November 18, 1864 was a small plat of graves outside of town with one grave stone reading "All Gone". Pray for us. The name Emma Kiraly was written on the grave stone 1820-1850. Daisy couldn't find any information about the residents of the village, nor was there any record of births, deaths, or the massacre that took place on the 18th.
With no physical clues to go by, Fitz explained that in any healing or past life information, he always goes to the physical and mental first. If no information presents itself, he relies on the metaphysical and spiritual realms to help him in his guidance.
Fitz had a plan.
The Plan
Fitz had discussed his idea with Daisy prior to the meeting. she agreed that his was the best way to find the treasure and fulfill the destiny for everyone connected to this karma. Daisy had always gone back to past lifetimes with Fitz for many years. She was well experienced in not only the philosophy but also the mechanics. Doc, had never participated in a past life regression but had a positive belief system which was all that was needed for Fitz, Daisy and him to go back to the day of the massacre in 1864 and observe the karma being incurred but any trace of the so called treasure. At the same time, Michi was to observe her Shamanistic practice of contacting the spirit world through her use of Ayahuasca. Michi had brought all of the natural herbs and roots need to produce the Ayahuasca of her ancestors. She has experienced this type of time travel many times in her life and is well experienced in her own experience as well as a Shaman, guiding others to contact the spiritual realms. She was through her Ayahuasca, travel back in time on the spiritual plane to the day prior to the village massacre in November 18,1864. She is to record the karma of the preparation by the village for the attack by the soldiers and be on the alert for any indication of the existence of the treasure. Fitz and Daisy had never conducted a case in this way before with the addition of a new person with no experience and another Shaman who will observe from the Spiritual plane through the use of the powerful Ayahuasca.
The meeting ended with everyone going about their own preparations. Fitz and Daisy conducted a lengthy meditation that evening and was joined by Doc. Michi needed the time to prepare the Ayahuasca as well as preparing herself to again enter the spiritual realm, as she had done so many times before as the Guarani Shaman in the Jungles of Brazil. Over the years in her Shaman training, she learned to enter the spiritual plane to help her people in their struggle to survive from the destruction from the loggers. Their survival depended on Michi, their Shaman and leader, for their lives.
Michi knows, and has always known what to do.
They had agreed to meet the next morning at Fitz's vacation house just outside of town. There would be the absolute best environment and spiritual atmosphere for an activity such that they will perform. Everyone showed up at the house at around 11:00 the net day. Fitz went over the plan once more and everyone stated understanding their role. For Doc's benefit, who had no experience in past life regression and spiritual travel, he explained the process. Doc didn't know it, but he was with the highest level healer in the spiritual universe. He is known as the "Soul Healer." Fitz told doc that he would be using hypnotic suggestion to help you to deeply relax. The three of us will do this at the same time. I will offer suggestions with appropriate spiritual protection to travel back in time to the date November, 18, 1864 at the site, at that time, of a village just outside of Alexandria, Virginia which had been attacked and destroyed by the Northern Army. "Michi is going into another room and prepare herself spiritually and begin to take her first dose of Ayahuasca. Fitz then said to Daisy and Doc, "Now get in a comfortable position, take a deep breath and begin to relax................
The regression went well for all three. They observed the villagers as they were being attacked by the Northern Soldiers. The Army burned the village to the ground and left no one alive. Then they turned what was left of the village up side down, looking for something. Presumably the treasure, if one even existed.
The day before the raid, Michi astral projected with the help of Ayahuasca to over see the movement at the village. It was evening and dark when Michi saw a wagon with two men driving heading out of the village. One man was Joseph Rawlings, the relative of Gladys, and the other was his friend, Winston Gack. In the back of the wagon she could clearly see four coffins. Were they going to bury four villagers who had died? She was able to follow the wagon an at about the three mile mark, the pulled into a cleared area which was the opening to an abandoned coal mine, empty for many years. About an hour later, she saw the two men driving the wagon again, but not going back to the village. They kept going further and further and never returned.
That evening, Fitz, Daisy, Doc and Michi decided to take a road trip to the area described by Michi, and see if they can locate the abandoned mine and possible answers. Could this be where the fortune is hidden? They arrived in the area later that day and went immediately to the area that Michi described as the opening to the old mine. They found the opening which had been covered by leaves and branches. After clearing the entrance and moving the few large rocks that blocked the entrance way, they entered the mine. With their flashlights on full beam they scoured the mine are. Not a trace of the coffins, footprints or any other indication that anyone had been in that mine entrance for well over one hundred years. The treasure must just have been a fable that was passed down from generation to generation, until Gladys Johanson decided to try and find the answer.
Two weeks later on a starlit night on the Amazon river in Brazil, four long canoes were seen silently gliding toward their jungle destination. In each canoe were two Guarani warriors and also in each canoe was a coffin labeled, Property of the US Confederacy.

Doc's Story
Doc's T-shirts
“It was a cold night in the Andes. Doc, an American Psychotherapist, Author, World Traveler and collector of ancient artifacts was alone and walking the famous, yet dangerous, Inka Trail from Cusco (the seat of the Inka empire) to (Machu Pichu, the sacred Inkan site that had been hidden from the world until the ]1950s). Doc had been introduced to a poor Peruvian farmer who said he had a map to a hidden village high in the mountains where he had heard that pre-conquest artifacts could be found. It was a village that had very little contact with outsiders and kept their secrets about Inka artifacts well hidden for many centuries. These artifacts were indeed too valuable culturally to allow them to be found by looters or other traders who would steal the treasures and sell them to the highest bidder. This was a situation that was never to be allowed as all village members were sworn to secrecy from childhood. These valuable artifacts had been hidden ever since the Spanish conquest in in the high Andes of Peru and even Equador. Doc was well aware of the potential danger with this adventure, but he also knew that to locate some of these artifacts, some danger was always possible. He knew that this trip to the Andes was an important part of his life's mission and that these treasures could yield much unknown information about the Inka and their culture for the world to learn. Would any of these artifacts be found? He didn't know but he was always mindful of his soul's purpose to go, find and fulfill his destiny. There may have been other forces at work as he continued his quest. But what could they be?
Although Doc trekked alone, he did meet other international travelers who sought the experience of Machu Pichu. The danger of this two day trek was well known and there had always been reports of tourists being robbed and harmed. Doc was well aware of this but he had many years of experience in other dangerous places including Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia. He had the experience and good karma that always kept him safe as he sought out treasures from the Aztec, Maya and Inka cultures and indigenous peoples of the conquest by the Spaniards.
It was getting dark and Doc decided to get off the trail and find a safe place to camp for the night. He started his camp fire, had a bite to eat, (Cuy) (cooked Guinie Pig) that he had bought at a market in Cusco. The cold night air and the quiet of his hidden camp made it easy for him to fall asleep. Voices speaking a mix of Quechua and Spanish suddenly woke him from his peaceful sleep.
He cautiously climbed out of his small tent to see who or what was causing his sleep to be disturbed. Sitting by his camp fire, chewing Coca leaves and sipping on Pisco were two Indian people.
An old man named Juan and his 18 year old daughter, Antonia. Doc immediately felt the high vibrations of these two people and knew they had been sent to him and didn't just appear for no reason. As Doc later found out, both of these souls were with him in one of his past lives as an Inka soldier fighting the Spanish in the early 1500s.
Doc immediately felt the strong pull of these two souls and knew they had all been together in the past. Juan and Antonia explained to Doc that they were on their way back to their village and as it was cold and late when they spotted a camp fire, they thought to stop and rest for a while before continuing on. Doc, Juan and Antonia spent the rest of the night talking about ancient times, Inka culture and he shared his worn map with them.
Juan and Antonia were both sure that they all had been together in the past. They sat and talked all night and at day break, Juan and Antonia asked Doc to accompany them to their village.
The trek through the mountains was rough not to mention the bit of altitude sickness Doc was experiencing. The altitude was around 11 thousand feet above sea-level which caused a lack of oxygen and altitude symptoms. Doc had experienced this numerous times in the past and the chewing of coca leaves by all three trekkers alleviated the symptoms almost immediately.
Doc felt a spiritual connection to both Juan and Antonia and knew that he was sent these two souls to guide him in his search.
Upon their arrival at the village, many villagers came out to greet Doc, Juan and Antonia. The villagers collectively knew that Doc was not a threat. In one of the small dwellings, on a shelf in the living room, Doc saw what he had been seeking, an ancient Inka statue from before the conquest.
Doc was the only American ever to be in their village, but he was immediately welcomed as their own. He asked about the statue and was told that there were many hidden in the mountains around the village. He offered to trade his valuable wristwatch for the statue. This was his first artifact and the beginning of his life long quest. Doc respected the wishes of the villagers and vowed never to disturb or take any of their protected treasures.
For the next twenty years Doc along with Antonia traveled through Central and South America obtaining artifacts from the Maya and Aztec cultures.
The collection grew to the point that he had to start this internet store to share these treasures with the world. Just so you know, Antonia never left Doc's side and is still there with him to this day fulfilling her own destiny.
"The Mayan Gold Neckless.
called LA CULEBRA"(The Snake)
The continuing story of.
how Doc's Gifts began
by Alan Meyers, PH.D.
It was Friday afternoon at 3:15. Doc and Antonia were just finishing up a week long project of categorizing and photographing the many new objects that they had accumulated over the past year. They were just about to leave the office when Doc's cell phone rang.
The call was from a man named Julius Prim, a well known collector and at times rival when a few times in the past he and Julius came upon the same artifact at the same time. Julius was well known for not possessing the same level of ethics as Doc, so naturally, he was apprehensive about a call from Julius Prim, out of the blue. What could he possibly want from us, Doc thought.
Julius just didn't sound the same as when they had last spoken. He sounded tired and defeated, but Doc listened to the reason for Julius's call. Prim asked if he would meet him tomorrow at 1:00 at the Rustic Inn Restaurant just outside of town, to discuss a most urgent matter that must be kept confidential. Doc was curious and one who always liked a mystery. He consented to the meeting set for the next day.
By this time Antonia had been helping Doc for about four years. They have been traveling all over Central and South America searching for treasures to either donate to museums or eventually make available to people who have an interest in these indigenous cultures. From the very first moment she had met Doc at his camp site in Peru, she knew that her destiny was tied to him. She had disclosed to Doc long ago that her father, Juan, was the Shaman of her village and that she was brought up to be a Shaman herself and practice the ways of Shamanism and healing. It was obvious that Antonia had knowledge and wisdom well beyond her age. They worked well together and managed to find both old and new objects of interest. Antonia had spoken both Quechua and Spanish since childhood but in a very short time with Doc, she became quite proficient in English as well. Her knowledge of native languages had saved them many times from danger.
The next day, Doc and Antonia got ready and left for the meeting. They found the Rustic Inn easily even though it was in an area that was not well travelled. They arrived a little before 1:00. What could Julius be up to selecting such an out of the way place to meet? When they arrived, there were no other cars in the parking lot and the place looked a bit run down. With trepidation, they entered the restaurant. It was dimly lit, quiet with an air of mustiness that indicated that this "restaurant," was no restaurant at all.
At a table alone sat Julius Prim. Upon seeing them come in he got up and greeted Doc who introduced Antonia. Julius offered them something to drink or eat, but Doc and Antonia were both very curious and wanted to get down to business right away. Julius thanked them for coming to meet with him and appeared unusually humble as he knew that Doc was the only other person in the world to whom he could divulge his secret and ask for help. Julius Prim, the once vibrant, virile treasure hunter had become a fearful, depressed and beaten man. This was quite a surprise to Doc and Antonia as they expected Prim to be the same as his reputation. Something terrible had happened to Julius. But what could have done this? Thought Antonia. He was a man that appeared at the end of his rope and he was scared.
Julius began by telling them about the existence of LA Culebra, the solid gold neckless that once belonged to the wife of a Mayan ruler. Over the centuries, many have died searching for La Culebra and that includes Julius's brother, Gustav. They had gotten to close to the place where the neckless is protected. When that happens, and it did many times by robbers, treasure hunters or just people who hear
"The Mayan Gold Neckless called
LA CULEBRA"(The Snake)
The continuing story of how Doc's Gifts began
by Alan Meyers, PH.D.
It was Friday afternoon at 3:15. Doc and Antonia were just finishing up a week long project of categorizing and photographing the many new objects that they had accumulated over the past year. They were just about to leave the office when Doc's cell phone rang.
The call was from a man named Julius Prim, a well known collector and at times rival when a few times in the past he and Julius came upon the same artifact at the same time. Julius was well known for not possessing the same level of ethics as Doc, so naturally, he was apprehensive about a call from Julius Prim, out of the blue. What could he possibly want from us, Doc thought.
Julius just didn't sound the same as when they had last spoken. He sounded tired and defeated, but Doc listened to the reason for Julius's call. Prim asked if he would meet him tomorrow at 1:00 at the Rustic Inn Restaurant just outside of town, to discuss a most urgent matter that must be kept confidential. Doc was curious and one who always liked a mystery. He consented to the meeting set for the next day.
By this time Antonia had been helping Doc for about four years. They have been traveling all over Central and South America searching for treasures to either donate to museums or eventually make available to people who have an interest in these indigenous cultures. From the very first moment she had met Doc at his camp site in Peru, she knew that her destiny was tied to him. She had disclosed to Doc long ago that her father, Juan, was the Shaman of her village and that she was brought up to be a Shaman herself and practice the ways of Shamanism and healing. It was obvious that Antonia had knowledge and wisdom well beyond her age. They worked well together and managed to find both old and new objects of interest. Antonia had spoken both Quechua and Spanish since childhood but in a very short time with Doc, she became quite proficient in English as well. Her knowledge of native languages had saved them many times from danger.
The next day, Doc and Antonia got ready and left for the meeting. They found the Rustic Inn easily even though it was in an area that was not well travelled. They arrived a little before 1:00. What could Julius be up to selecting such an out of the way place to meet? When they arrived, there were no other cars in the parking lot and the place looked a bit run down. With trepidation, they entered the restaurant. It was dimly lit, quiet with an air of mustiness that indicated that this "restaurant," was no restaurant at all.
At a table alone sat Julius Prim. Upon seeing them come in he got up and greeted Doc who introduced Antonia. Julius offered them something to drink or eat, but Doc and Antonia were both very curious and wanted to get down to business right away. Julius thanked them for coming to meet with him and appeared unusually humble as he knew that Doc was the only other person in the world to whom he could divulge his secret and ask for help. Julius Prim, the once vibrant, virile treasure hunter had become a fearful, depressed and beaten man. This was quite a surprise to Doc and Antonia as they expected Prim to be the same as his reputation. Something terrible had happened to Julius. But what could have done this? Thought Antonia. He was a man that appeared at the end of his rope and he was scared.
Julius began by telling them about the existence of LA Culebra, the solid gold neckless that once belonged to the wife of a Mayan ruler. Over the centuries, many have died searching for La Culebra and that includes Julius's brother, Gustav. They had gotten to close to the place where the neckless is protected. When that happens, and it did many times by robbers, treasure hunters or just people who hearabout it and went on a search, always with the same result. Get too close, you die. That is what happened to Gustav and almost to Julius himself who barely escaped with his life from the protectors of La Culebra. Doc and Antonia had heard rumors about this gold neckless but that it has been hidden for centuries and may be just a myth. No one knew for sure. No one was ever able to get that close. It was always thought to be a myth and no one reported ever even coming close to the neckless before until now by this treasure hunter Julius Prim, who looks frightened even talking about it. He explained that many years ago, he met an old gem miner in the mountains of Ecuador who told him information as to how to find the neckless. The miner said that he had gotten this information from a fellow miner who was from Guatemala and had heard these stories from the elders in his small village. The miner gave Julius and Gustav specific instructions of where to go and who to see to get close to the famous icon neckless. Julius wasn't asking for payment for this valuable information, he only wanted revenge for Gustav's murder and thought that finding La Culebra would give meaning to Gustav's life.
The instructions were simple, yet not necessarily easy. They first must go to Guatemala City. From there, they will take a six passenger shuttle to a town in the Northern Highlands called Panajachel, about a three hour ride. Panajachel is right next to Lake Atitlan, sometimes called the beginning of the Mayan Empire. Panajachel has become more of a tourist destination those days but was still quite beautiful as the lake is smooth and it has volcanos overlooking it. Across the lake is a series of indigenous villages and is their first stop. The boat ride across the lake takes about 45 minutes. On the other side is a village named San Antonio and a Shaman named Andre. They need to find him and he would help them from there.
It only took a couple of questions for them to be headed for the small dwelling of the local Shaman, Andre. Antonia shared her Shaman training and experience with Andre as well as her knowledge of Maximon, the Mayan god that was hidden from the Spaniards by making it into an effigy and dressing it up not to resemble an average person. But to the Mayans of the time, Maximon was very important and revered. The knowledge and her skill Antonia had in indigenous languages quickly erased any apprehensions Andre might have had about these two strangers coming to ask for secret information. Andre will then tell you where to go next said Julius and who to see when you get there. That's all I can tell you now. Good luck said Julius and come back alive.
Doc and Antonia arrived in Guatemala City two days later and took a taxi to their modest hotel in Colonia 19 and not far from the Central Market. They decided to stay for a couple of days in Guatemala City to visit the National Archeological Museum and the Central Market where sometimes an odd treasure can be found. Doc had been to Guatemala City numerous times over the years but this is the first time for Antonia. She and Doc had been in other countries like Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, but never Guatemala. She looked forward to learning another city and opportunity to meet other Shamans along the way to finding La Culebra.
The Shaman Andre was easy to locate in the small village of San Antonio. He spoke in his dialect of Quechua with a mix of Spanish. Antonia was familiar with this dialect and the communication facilitated easily. They, as two Shamans, bonded quickly and the trust of their practice enabled helpful dialog. They explained to Andre what they were looking for, but he confessed knowing very little about this matter. But he is willing to refer them to his close friend, also a fellow Shaman, in Chichicastenengo. He will send a message to Father Andrade, to introduce them. The instructions were simple. Go to Chichicastenengo, a town to the north about a two hoabout it and went on a search, always with the same result. Get too close, you die. That is what happened to Gustav and almost to Julius himself who barely escaped with his life from the protectors of La Culebra. Doc and Antonia had heard rumors about this gold neckless but that it has been hidden for centuries and may be just a myth. No one knew for sure. No one was ever able to get that close. It was always thought to be a myth and no one reported ever even coming close to the neckless before until now by this treasure hunter Julius Prim, who looks frightened even talking about it. He explained that many years ago, he met an old gem miner in the mountains of Ecuador who told him information as to how to find the neckless. The miner said that he had gotten this information from a fellow miner who was from Guatemala and had heard these stories from the elders in his small village. The miner gave Julius and Gustav specific instructions of where to go and who to see to get close to the famous icon neckless. Julius wasn't asking for payment for this valuable information, he only wanted revenge for Gustav's murder and thought that finding La Culebra would give meaning to Gustav's life.
The instructions were simple, yet not necessarily easy. They first must go to Guatemala City. From there, they will take a six passenger shuttle to a town in the Northern Highlands called Panajachel, about a three hour ride. Panajachel is right next to Lake Atitlan, sometimes called the beginning of the Mayan Empire. Panajachel has become more of a tourist destination those days but was still quite beautiful as the lake is smooth and it has volcanos overlooking it. Across the lake is a series of indigenous villages and is their first stop. The boat ride across the lake takes about 45 minutes. On the other side is a village named San Antonio and a Shaman named Andre. They need to find him and he would help them from there.
It only took a couple of questions for them to be headed for the small dwelling of the local Shaman, Andre. Antonia shared her Shaman training and experience with Andre as well as her knowledge of Maximon, the Mayan god that was hidden from the Spaniards by making it into an effigy and dressing it up not to resemble an average person. But to the Mayans of the time, Maximon was very important and revered. The knowledge and her skill Antonia had in indigenous languages quickly erased any apprehensions Andre might have had about these two strangers coming to ask for secret information. Andre will then tell you where to go next said Julius and who to see when you get there. That's all I can tell you now. Good luck said Julius and come back alive.
Doc and Antonia arrived in Guatemala City two days later and took a taxi to their modest hotel in Colonia 19 and not far from the Central Market. They decided to stay for a couple of days in Guatemala City to visit the National Archeological Museum and the Central Market where sometimes an odd treasure can be found. Doc had been to Guatemala City numerous times over the years but this is the first time for Antonia. She and Doc had been in other countries like Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, but never Guatemala. She looked forward to learning another city and opportunity to meet other Shamans along the way to finding La Culebra.
The Shaman Andre was easy to locate in the small village of San Antonio. He spoke in his dialect of Quechua with a mix of Spanish. Antonia was familiar with this dialect and the communication facilitated easily. They, as two Shamans, bonded quickly and the trust of their practice enabled helpful dialog. They explained to Andre what they were looking for, but he confessed knowing very little about this matter. But he is willing to refer them to his close friend, also a fellow Shaman, in Chichicastenengo. He will send a message to Father Andrade, to introduce them. The instructions were simple. Go to Chichicastenengo, a town to the north about a two hour
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